Antoine Giacomoni et Gina X Performance - Gina Kikoine M.A. mirror's sessions 1983


©: A. Giacomoni

Londres 1981

Gina KiKoine M.A.

Chanteuse Allemande
Couverture  du Catalogue de L'exposition:
 " A travers le miroir "
 Galerie des Lombards, Paris 1983

Coll. D. Stass

In front the mirror
the loneliness of the voyeur on the journey to the light

" Mirror, on the wall..."
being mirrored in he light of the truth
throught the eye, the glasses, the lens, the mirror and
.............................................................................................. back
the breath of the photographer is the respiration of the model
the dreams in the mirror are the magic of the mirror
miroir magique  -    a miracle is promised
the glaring shine of the moon is the disillusion : if there is 
much light, there is much shadow, too; what's on the left, is
getting on the right
the cabalistic light of the apocalypse
the photophobia idea as a light appearance : spiritual illumination,
disegno divino interno
surrealistic meeting with yourself : I &I (humanscape) -  we are
gleaming like the mirror
the mirror image blinds
the reflections of the rays of light are lustrous - hasmalim
I see my unmasked heart
I see my denuded heart ... eye flutter
merciless warmth
photographein : not image, but vision
I am stepping through the mirror - I don't leave broken bits behind :
the meditation of the fragility, the secret of the transparency
the stolen mirror
vanitas, vanitas, eternitas
let there be light ! Ner tamid
to live in front of a mirror, Baudelaire demands 

Courtesy of  Gina Kikoine M.A.

Préface du Catalogue de l'exposition "A travers le miroir" "Antoine Giacomoni" Galerie des Lombards Paris 1983